To Develop an Education System for Secure Internet Banking: GIBES
The innovations in the banking system which have been in parallel with the technological developments have presented the clients with different alternatives. One of the alternatives, internet banking, is considered very important especially for customers whose working hours coincide with those of the banks. In internet banking, even though the banks have taken the necessary precautions as to the security matter, the most important point to provide the continuity of a secure environment is the literacy of internet users. For this reason, the banks should not only secure their systems but they should also direct their users to education as to how to be conscious internet literate. In this study, why Secure Internet Banking Education System (it is named as GIBES), which is designed for internet banking users and prepared as a module for Computer Supported Education (CSE) is needed has been explained, and how the system is modeled with UML has been illustrated and GIBES is described. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editor.
- Bildiri [64839]