Effect of Management Factor on Employee Job Satisfaction: An Application in Telecommunication Sector
In this study, effects of management approach and leadership style on employee job satisfaction, are explicating and representing on the basis of employees who work in the telecommunication sector. Within the scope of study, samples are selected from sub manager employees who work in a nationwide organization which carries on telecommunication sector. At the stage of application of survey comeback are taken from 202 employees. In order to interpret how manager's leadership styles and management approaches are perceived from employees "Ekvall and Arvonen Leadership scale" was used; on the other hand to evaluate employee job satisfaction "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Survey" is preferred. Employee performance can be thought as sum of job satisfaction and motivation. Therefore organizations focused on continuous development and growth should manage perception of employees who works in the strategic plans such as near and far targets, technology, company policies and investment decisions. How compatible perspectives of leaders/managers and expectations of employees? Do Leadership style and management approach affect employees job satisfaction? The study look for an answer of this questions in general terms. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
- Bildiri [64839]