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dc.contributor.authorOztas, Yucel
dc.contributor.authorHANİLÇİ, Nurullah
dc.contributor.authorBOZKAYA, GÜLCAN
dc.contributor.authorBanks, David A.
dc.contributor.authorBOZKAYA, ÖMER
dc.contributor.authorProkofiev, Vsevolod
dc.identifier.citationHANİLÇİ N., BOZKAYA G., Banks D. A. , BOZKAYA Ö., Prokofiev V., Oztas Y., "Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Kisladag Porphyry Au Deposit, Western Turkey", MINERALS, cilt.10, sa.1, 2020
dc.description.abstractThe deposit occurs in a mid-Miocene monzonite magmatic complex represented by three different intrusions, namely Intrusion 1 (INT#1), Intrusion 2 (INT#2, INT #2A), and Intrusion 3 (INT#3). Gold mineralization is hosted in all intrusions, but INT#1 is the best mineralized body followed by INT#2. SEM-CL imaging has identified two different veins (V1 and V2) and four distinct generations of quartz formation in the different intrusions. These are: (i) CL-light gray, mosaic-equigranular quartz (Q1), (ii) CL-gray or CL-bright quartz (Q2) that dissolved and was overgrown on Q1, (iii) CL-dark and CL-gray growth zoned quartz (Q3), and (iv) CL-dark or CL-gray micro-fracture quartz fillings (Q4). Fluid inclusion studies show that the gold-hosted early phase Q1 quartz of V1 and V2 veins in INT#1 and INT#2 was precipitated at high temperatures (between 424 and 594 degrees C). The coexisting and similar ranges of T-h values of vapor-rich (low salinity, from 1% to 7% NaCl equiv.) and halite-bearing (high salinity: >30% NaCl) fluid inclusions in Q1 indicates that the magmatic fluid had separated into vapor and high salinity liquid along the appropriate isotherm. Fluid inclusions in Q2 quartz in INT#1 and INT#2 were trapped at lower temperatures between 303 and 380 degrees C and had lower salinities between 3% and 20% NaCl equiv. The zoned Q3 quartz accompanied by pyrite in V2 veins of both INT#2 and INT#3 precipitated at temperatures between 310 and 373 degrees C with a salinity range from 5.4% to 10% NaCl eq. The latest generation of fracture filling Q4 quartz, cuts the earlier generations with fluid inclusion Th temperature range from 257 to 333 degrees C and salinity range from 3% to 12.5% NaCl equiv. The low salinity and low formation temperature of Q4 may be due to the mixing of meteoric water with the hydrothermal system, or late-stage epithermal overprinting. The separation of the magmatic fluid into vapor and aqueous saline pairs in the Q1 quartz of the V1 vein of the INT#1 and INT#2 and CO2-poor fluids indicates the shallow formation of the Kisladag porphyry gold deposit.
dc.subjectMühendislik ve Teknoloji
dc.subjectMaden Mühendisliği ve Teknolojisi
dc.subjectMühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)
dc.subjectTemel Bilimler (SCI)
dc.titleFluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Kisladag Porphyry Au Deposit, Western Turkey
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa , Mühendislik Fakültesi , Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü

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