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dc.contributor.authorSapashev, Oraz
dc.identifier.citationSapashev O., "Orta Çağdaki Sığnak şehri Orta Asyanın manevi ve Kültürel şehri", Avrasya'da Türkiyat ve Şarkiyat Araştırmaları, cilt.1, ss.250-282, 2018
dc.description.abstractThe first information about the city we can meet in the IX-X century in the Arabic and Persian historical sources and in the work of Mahmud alQashghari Divan al-Lughat al-Turk. Syghanaq was under the leading of Oghuz and in the middle of XII century was the land of Qangly and Kipchaks. The reason of changing of the name of the city Syghanaq in historical researches is that there were many works in different languages Arabic, Persian and Russian. The city was called Sunak, Sunah, Sunaq in the X-XII centuries and later it was called Syghanaq. In the materials of Arabic scientists, the name of the city changed relating to using the letters «sod» and «sin», and we have not to forget that there were also works in Persian. But nowadays the city Syghanaq is called Sunaq or Sunaq Ata. For example Yaqut al-Hamawi al-Rumi in his work Mu‘jam al-Buldan about Syghanaq, that Syghanaq located near the city Farab along Saihun and the name of the city is Sunah (al-Hamawi, 1977: 47). Actually, it is clear, that all medieval cities were developed not only economically, also culturally. There were many religious schools, and Islamic religion was the main religion in this area. There were lots of scientists who worked on the issues of spreading of the Islamic religion in this area. Syghanaq is the city on the famous Silk Way and connects the East and West, and Mawarannahr with China and the Arabic and Persian lands. In the description of the city Syghanaq of medieval historians, Syghanaq is trade-economical center in this area.
dc.subjectSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler (SOC)
dc.subjectSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI)
dc.subjectArkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.titleOrta Çağdaki Sığnak şehri Orta Asyanın manevi ve Kültürel şehri
dc.relation.journalAvrasya'da Türkiyat ve Şarkiyat Araştırmaları
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , Edebiyat Fakültesi , Çtle

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