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dc.contributor.authorAkova, Suheyla Balci
dc.contributor.authorSahin, Guven
dc.identifier.citationAkova S. B. , Sahin G., "The Place and Importance of Banana in Mersin's Orcharding", MARMARA GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW, sa.37, ss.271-289, 2018
dc.description.abstractIn Mersin, which is under the influence of Mediterranean climate, a wide variety of fruits are grown depending on other physical and human factors. Citrus fruits and olives being in the first place, grapes, peaches are the most grown fruits since the past. Lemon production increased in Mersin from 2000 to 2015 and it has maintained its importance in fruit growing. The banana forming the basis of the studying topic has the characteristic of the most striking product in Mersin fruit growing. Whereas it has an insignificant share in the fruit industry with a production of 37.200 tons in 2000, it has been ranked 4th with 195.381 tons production in 2015 with a very rapid development. Especially in greenhouse banana cultivation, although the initial investment costs are high, since farmers in the region regain the earnings they have been waiting for in a short time, they have turned to banana production. One important point that needs to be mentioned is that in the other districts where banana is grown, except for Antalya, the aforementioned agricultural activity has also been successful on surpassing tourism. Banana farming in Turkey is economically more than 75 years old. It is noteworthy that Turkey is ranked 41st with 251.994 tons production in world banana production line by 2014 and it is 8th place in terms of yield. Banana in our country is grown by pushing the limits of natural conditions and by being evaluated the geographical conditions of Turkey very well. As a result of the resolution in the banana growing of Turkish farmers, banana production areas have shown an increase. Especially in recent years, with the increase of knowledge in this area, half of Turkey's need for banana (51 %) has become affordable with domestic production. A very important part such as 72.2 % of the banana grown in Turkey is grown in Mersin.
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectTemel Bilimler (SCI)
dc.titleThe Place and Importance of Banana in Mersin's Orcharding
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , ,

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