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dc.contributor.authorTahara, Yuhei O.
dc.contributor.authorMiyata, Makoto
dc.contributor.authorTulum, Işıl
dc.contributor.authorKatayama, Eisaku
dc.contributor.authorNamba, Keiichi
dc.contributor.authorKawakita, Yoshito
dc.contributor.authorKinoshita, Miki
dc.contributor.authorFurukawa, Yukio
dc.identifier.citationKawakita Y., Kinoshita M., Furukawa Y., Tulum I., Tahara Y. O. , Katayama E., Namba K., Miyata M., "Structural Study of MPN387, an Essential Protein for Gliding Motility of a Human-Pathogenic Bacterium, Mycoplasma pneumoniae", JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, cilt.198, sa.17, ss.2352-2359, 2016
dc.description.abstractMycoplasma pneumoniae is a human pathogen that glides on host cell surfaces with repeated catch and release of sialylated oligosaccharides. At a pole, this organism forms a protrusion called the attachment organelle, which is composed of surface structures, including P1 adhesin and the internal core structure. The core structure can be divided into three parts, the terminal button, paired plates, and bowl complex, aligned in that order from the front end of the protrusion. To elucidate the gliding mechanism, we focused on MPN387, a component protein of the bowl complex which is essential for gliding but dispensable for cytadherence. The predicted amino acid sequence showed that the protein features a coiled-coil region spanning residue 72 to residue 290 of the total of 358 amino acids in the protein. Recombinant MPN387 proteins were isolated with and without an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) fusion tag and analyzed by gel filtration chromatography, circular dichroism spectros-copy, analytical ultracentrifugation, partial proteolysis, and rotary-shadowing electron microscopy. The results showed that MPN387 is a dumbbell-shaped homodimer that is about 42.7 nm in length and 9.1 nm in diameter and includes a 24.5-nm-long central parallel coiled-coil part. The molecular image was superimposed onto the electron micrograph based on the localizing position mapped by fluorescent protein tagging. A proposed role of this protein in the gliding mechanism is discussed.
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri (LIFE)
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri
dc.subjectTemel Bilimler
dc.titleStructural Study of MPN387, an Essential Protein for Gliding Motility of a Human-Pathogenic Bacterium, Mycoplasma pneumoniae
dc.relation.journalJOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY
dc.contributor.departmentOsaka Metropolitan University , ,

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