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dc.contributor.authorDogan, Cagri
dc.contributor.authorBasatac, Cem
dc.contributor.authorOzman, Oktay
dc.contributor.authorAKGÜL, HACI MURAT
dc.contributor.authorYAZICI, CENK MURAT
dc.contributor.authorAkpinar, Haluk
dc.contributor.authorÖNAL, Bülent
dc.contributor.authorSANCAK, EYÜP BURAK
dc.contributor.authorElmaagac, Burak
dc.contributor.authorCakir, Hakan
dc.contributor.authorSIDDIKOĞLU, DUYGU
dc.contributor.authorÇİNAR, ÖNDER
dc.identifier.citationDogan C., YAZICI C. M. , AKGÜL H. M. , Ozman O., Basatac C., ÇİNAR Ö., SIDDIKOĞLU D., Cakir H., Elmaagac B., SANCAK E. B. , et al., "The Predictive Factors for Readmission and Rehospitalization After Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: The Results of RIRSearch Study Group", JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY, 2021
dc.description.abstractPurpose: Retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) is a safe and effective treatment option for upper urinary tract stones smaller than 2 cm. Although several studies have documented perioperative and postoperative complications related to RIRS, there exists limited data regarding the readmission and rehospitalization of patients after RIRS. The aims of the study were to document the rates of readmission and rehospitalization after RIRS and to determine the predictive factors for readmission and rehospitalization.Materials and Methods: In this study, we retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent RIRS for the treatment of renal stone disease and were unexpectedly readmitted to the hospital within 30 days after discharge. The hospital admission systems were used to determine readmissions and rehospitalizations. Readmission and rehospitalization rates, causes, and treatment procedures were evaluated. Univariate and multivariate analyses of clinicodemographic properties were performed to evaluate possible predictive factors for readmission and rehospitalization after RIRS.Results: A total of 1036 patients were included in the study. Of these patients, 103 (9.9%) were readmitted to the hospital. Among these readmissions, 35 patients (33.9%) were rehospitalized and 14 (13.6%) underwent surgical intervention. The most common reasons for readmission were renal colic and fever. The presence of preoperative pyuria (odds ratio [OR] 1.86), stone volume (OR 1.54), postoperative complications (OR 3.66), and stone-free status (OR 0.46) were predictive factors for readmission, whereas hospitalization time (OR 1.32), postoperative complications (OR 9.70), and stone-free status (OR 0.06) were predictive factors for rehospitalization after RIRS.Conclusion: Nearly 10% of patients who underwent RIRS were readmitted to the hospital within the first month after discharge, and some were rehospitalized. Preoperative pyuria, high stone volume, presence of postoperative complications, and low stone-free status predicted this readmission and rehospitalization. Clinicians must recognize these predictive factors and inform their patients about this possibility.
dc.subjectSağlık Bilimleri
dc.subjectDahili Tıp Bilimleri
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp (MED)
dc.subjectHealth Sciences
dc.subjectİç Hastalıkları
dc.titleThe Predictive Factors for Readmission and Rehospitalization After Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: The Results of RIRSearch Study Group
dc.relation.journalJOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY
dc.contributor.departmentTekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi , ,

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