Basit öğe kaydını göster

dc.contributor.authorBayrakdar, Sena
dc.contributor.authorTaşçıoğlu, Cemil
dc.contributor.authorAkyüz, Nur
dc.contributor.authorAltunkaynak, Mustafa
dc.contributor.authorAkpınar, Timur Selçuk
dc.contributor.authorMedetalibeyoğlu, Alpay
dc.identifier.citationMedetalibeyoğlu A., Akyüz N., Bayrakdar S., Altunkaynak M., Akpınar T. S. , Taşçıoğlu C., "Multiple Miyelom Hastalarında Nötrofil Lenfosit Oranının Prognostik Önemi", İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Sağlık Bilimlerinde İleri Araştırmalar Dergisi, cilt.3, sa.3, ss.186-194, 2020
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Objective: The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio(NLR) is a biomarker for systematic inflammation. It is also thought that the NLR can be used as a new biomarker by clinicians in predicting the prognosis of patients with multiple myeloma(MM). This study, aimed to retrospectively investigate the prognostic significance of pretreatment NLR in patients with MM, based on the hypothesis that elevated pretreatment NLR is a biomarker indicating worse survival in patients with MM. Materials and Methods: Patients aged >18 years with MM diagnosed, follow-up, and treated between January 2011 and December 2017 in the department of internal and geriatric medicine at Istanbul Faculty of Medicine were enrolled into this study. We retrospectively collected the data of 40 patients from the medical records. The relationship between NLR and baseline characteristics, laboratory parameters, prognosis, and survival outcome was analyzed. Results: The study showed that the mean NLR was 2.84±2.62 (0.1-14.8) in the whole blood count. No significant correlation was found between NLR and mortality (p=0.965). A significant relationship was found between higher stage and mortality (p=0.035). In addition, anemia, low albumin level, and elevated lactate dehydrogenas (LDH) level indicated poor survival time in patients with MM (p=0.022; p=0.031; p=0.023). Conclusion: Our study showed no relationship between NLR and both mortality and overall survival (OS). The above result can be explained by the fact that our study had some limitations such as the use of retrospective data from a single-center and the small sample size. Keywords: Multiple myeloma, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, overall survival
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp (MED)
dc.subjectSağlık Bilimleri
dc.titleMultiple Miyelom Hastalarında Nötrofil Lenfosit Oranının Prognostik Önemi
dc.relation.journalİstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Sağlık Bilimlerinde İleri Araştırmalar Dergisi
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi , Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü

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