Browsing Dokümanı Olanlar by Subject "EKONOMİ"
Now showing items 1-20 of 52
19. Yüzyıl Başlarından Bir Fabrika Örneği Olarak Beykoz Çuha Fabrikası
19. yüzyıl Osmanlı sanayileşmesi Osmanlı Devleti’nin temel ekonomik prensiplerinden olan faktör kontrolü anlayışının bir uzantısı olarak büyük önem arz eder. Bu dönemde, 18. yy boyunca olduğu gibi, devlet birçok fabrika ... -
A Comparison of the Effects of 1929 Great Depression With the Effects of 2008 Global Financial Crisis: Policies Pursued in the Developed, Less Developed and Newly Industrializing Countries
(2013)A comparison of the Great Depression of 1929-39 with the present global financial crisis and global recession that broke out in the last quarter of 2008 will provide useful insights about economic developments in the world ... -
A Short-Run Macroeconomic Model for Less Developed and Newly Industrializing Countries based on the Keynesian Aggregate Demand Function
Discussions on macroeconomic systems, their relevance and validity mainly focused on Developed Countries. Survey of development literature, on the other hand, shows there was scanty direct effort to discuss which macroeconomic ... -
A Summary of the Developments Regarding The Economic Regime Implemented in the Developed and Developing Countries
Since the developments regarding the economic regime in developed countries follow a different path as opposed to those in developing countries, in this article, these two groups of countries will be examined separately. ... -
A.Smith ve Klasik Okul, K.Marx ve Marksist Sosyalizm, J.M.Keynes ve Keynesgil Devrim ve Daha Sonraki Gelişmeler (A.Smith and the Classical School, K.Marx and the Marxist Socialism, J.M.Keynes and the Keynesian Revolution and the Subsequent Developments)
Adam Smith is known as the founder of economics as a social science and also of economic liberalism (or termed as capitalism after Karl Marx) based on principles of non-intervention and non-protection by the governments ... -
AB'ye Uyum Sürecinde Tarım Sektörünün Küçülmesinin Türk Kadın Çiftçilere Etkisi (The Shrinking Agricultural Sector as the Process of Adaptation to the EU and their Effects on Turkish Women Farmers)
(2005)Türkiye, 1999’da Avrupa Birliği’ne(AB) aday üye olmasını izleyerek 17.Aralik.2004’de, 3.Ekim.2005 için üyelik müzakeresi tarihi almış, 3.Ekim’de Türkiye ile AB ... -
Academic Studies in Social, Human and Administrive Sciences
In this Chapter, we will first review the historical developments leading to the birth of Post-Keynesian Economics and then give the developments of Post-Keynesian Economics in terms of their assumptions and methodology, ... -
Adaptive Expectations and Phillips Curve: A Comparison of Them with other Macroeconomic Schools and Their Relevance for DCs, LDCs and NICs
The focus of this article is the "adaptive expectations hypothesis" of Milton Friedman and his analysis of short-run and long-run Phillips Curve. In order to analyze these contributions of M. Friedman more clearly, discussions ... -
An Extended Study Of The Effects Of The 2008 Global Economic Crisis On Turkish Economy And Her International Relations
This study investigates the effects of the September 2008 global financial crisis and global recession on the Turkish economy and the following developments. Turkey was praised for having recovered swiftly from the global ... -
Anti-Keynesian Views: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Guidelines
In this article, we will cover the main anti-Keynesian views and macroeconomic systems that arose in the post Keynes period as well as their fiscal and monetary policy guidelines. As is known, the early Classical economists ... -
Asymmetric Impacts of the Geopolitical Risk on the Oil Price Fluctuations
Asymmetric Impacts of the Geopolitical Risk on the Oil Price Fluctuations -
COVID-19 Sürecinde AB ve Türkiye’nin Tarım Politikalarına Yeniden Bakış
(2020)Son yıllardaki iklim değişiklikleri, küresel ısınma, nüfus artışı, verimli tarım arazilerinin doğru kullanılmamasından kaynaklanan kayıplar, temiz su kaynaklarındaki azalma gibi birçok neden dünyada tarım sektörünü daha ... -
2020 yılının başında SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) adlı yeni bir tip koronavirüsün dünya çapında yaygınlaşması nedeniyle, bir dizi işletmenin ticari ve ekonomik faaliyetlerinde ilk zorluklar ortaya çıkmış ve genel ekonomiye ... -
Ekonomide Zorunlu Dönüşüm: Doğrusal Ekonomiden Sirküler Ekonomiye Geçiş
(2020)Bir yandan iklim krizi, diğer yandan süregelen mevcut ‘geleneksel’ekonomik yapı, dünyayı ekolojik sınırlarına yaklaştırırken, gezegeninkaynaklarının da hızla tükenmesine yol açmıştır. İklim krizine, artan nüfus vekaynaklar ... -
Ekonomik Sistemler ve Rejimler
Gelişmiş ülkelerdeki ekonomik rejimle ilgili gelişmeler gelişmekte olan ülkelerinkinden farklı bir yoldan devam ettiğinden, bu makalede bu iki ülke grubu ayrı ayrı incelenecektir. Tarihsel ve teorik sebeplerden ötürü ... -
EVOLUTION OF ECONOMICS Part 1: The Early Classical System and The Birth of Liberalism
Adam Smith, with An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations published in 1776 is unanimously hailed as the founder of economics as a social science and also of “economic liberalism” or “capitalism” as ... -
Evolution of New Keynesian Economics
In this article, the developments in the New Keynesian Economics which sprang up in USA during the ‘80s will be discussed and then the properties of the Keynesian Economics in terms of their assumptions and models will be ... -
Fiscal competition and public expenditure composition in the era of globalization: Panel data analysis
(2021)Amidst the ongoing liberalization of international trade and transnational movement of capital, each nation-state’s fiscal policies have gradually become more dependent on other countries. Developing countries, especially, ... -
Globalization and its Effects on Turkey, Bric, Balkan, East European Countries and the Different Strategies Pursued by the Emerging Markets
This article intends to study globalization particularly from the perspective of less developed countries (LDCs) and newly industrializing countries (NICs).After World War 2 (WW2), LDCs and NICs implemented a closed economy ...