dc.identifier.citation | Bilal T., Ozpinar H., Abas I., Kutay H., "The effects of different fat sources used in broiler rations on performance, abdominal fat accumulation and fat digestibility", ARCHIV FUR GEFLUGELKUNDE, cilt.65, ss.251-257, 2001 | |
dc.description.abstract | In the present study the effects of diets prepared on ail isocaloric and isonitrogenic basis and supplemented with,',Ullllo k er oil, sunflo vcr acid oil, of- animal tullo v in rates of' 517c i,on live veight gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, carcass yield, abdominal fat ratios, and blood parameters vere investigated in broilers. Animals faeces ere collected a,, NA"ell to arialyse digestibility of fats. For the experiment 120 broiler chicks divided into 3 oroup,, 'by random and maintained in suitable Conditions lot- breedirI2 for 42 days vere used. In P ' and 2"d \veeks a significant difference in Ike sleigh(.,vas found between the group fed sunflower oil 102.7.1300.6 g) and the group fed animal tallo" (96.3, 279.5 glt p 0.05). Abdominal fat percentages verc I.5Y-1c. 1.2 1 1 and 2.1017c irt sunflmver oil, sunflo ver acid oil, animal tallow groups. respectively, and the difference.,, among group-, vere significant (p < 0.05). Digestibility of fat k asi highest in -roup I for the period 2219 to 28'i"day (I 76.5: 11 73.7; IIIc75.517c) and for the period 36'h to 42'd day (1 70.8: 11 70.3: Ill 70.0%). Biochemical parameters analyzed in set-Lim samples taken at 3`1 and 6' ' ",eeks of the study vere significantly differclit bet"veen groups except for total protein. albumin, 1-lohUline, i alb/glob, glutaiiiie-oxaloacetic transarninase (GOT). and gl U tarnic-pyruvic acid transarninase (GPT: p < 0.05). Total cholesterol (1111 184.3, 162.5-. 11 147.8. 116.6. 1 13 1.9;:102.4 nio/dI) and triglyceride (111 102.8, 89A 11 76.2, 66.3: 1 79.2, 62.5 m-/dI) levels "we hi-her in the tallo v group than in the other groups. Gainina glutainic transferase (GGT) levels k ere hi.-her in the sunflower oil Uroup than in the other groups (I 18.3 25.4 11 16.0, 21.9 III 17.4 23.5 U/L). The result of' this study revealed that the use of different fat source,,, in broiler diets had no negative effect on broiler performance, abdominal fat rate, Lind blood parameters. | |