Enstitüler: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 125
Spawning Frequency of Trachurus mediterraneus (Carangidae) in The Sea of Marmara
(2013)In this study the spawning frequency of Trachurus mediterraneus was estimated for the first time in the Mediterranean basin. The presence of the late-migratory nucleus stage oocytes and post ovulatory follicles (POFs) in ... -
Coastline Difference Measurement (CDM) Method
(2020)Coastline Difference Measurement (CDM) Method is designed to provide a fast and practical way to obtain distance differences between 2 taut zonal coastlines. Comparison purposes could be considered as change detection to ... -
An overall indicator for the good environmental status of marine waters based on commercially exploited species
(2015)An indicator is presented to assess and monitor the good environmental status of national marine waters based on the status of commercially exploited marine fishes and invertebrates, including fully-assessed as well as ... -
Weight-length relationships of 28 fish species in the Sea of Marmara
(2012)Weight-length relationships (WLRs) for 28 fish species were investigated in an enclosed basin in the Sea of Marmara. Due to low sample sizes (<15), 11 species were not taken into account, but length results were represented. ... -
Reproductive biology of Trachurus mediterraneus (Carangidae): a detailed study for the Marmara - Black Sea stock
(2013)The reproductive biology of Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus was investigated in the Sea of Marmara over a one-year period. Duration and timing of the spawning season, gonad histology, oocyte development ... -
A critique of the balanced harvesting approach to fishing
(2016)The approach to fisheries termed "balanced harvesting" (BH) calls for fishing across the widest possible range of species, stocks, and sizes in an ecosystem, in proportion to their natural productivity, so that the relative ... -
Ichthyoplankton dynamics in a highly urbanized estuary
(2015)Spatio-temporal distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton assemblages were studied in the Golden Horn estuary (Istanbul) over a 10-month period. Environmental parameters were considered to determine the environmental ... -
Hücre Serilerinde Kilitli Nükleik Asitler İle MIR223 Gen Sessizleştirmesi
(2020)Kodlama yapmayan küçük RNA’lar hücre farklılaşması, büyümesi, gelişmesi, immün reaksiyonlar, stres adaptasyonu gibi fizyolojik süreçlerin yanı sıra, kanser, kalp hastalıkları gibi kompleks hastalıklarla da ilişkilendiril ...