Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Globalization and its Effects on Turkey, Bric, Balkan, East European Countries and the Different Strategies Pursued by the Emerging Markets
This article intends to study globalization particularly from the perspective of less developed countries (LDCs) and newly industrializing countries (NICs).After World War 2 (WW2), LDCs and NICs implemented a closed economy ...
Anti-Keynesian Views: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Guidelines
In this article, we will cover the main anti-Keynesian views and macroeconomic systems that arose in the post Keynes period as well as their fiscal and monetary policy guidelines. As is known, the early Classical economists ...
Türk Tarımında Kadının Yeri (The Role of Women in Turkish Agricultural Sector)
Öncelikle Türkiye'de genel olarak kadınların erkeklerden daha az eğitim gördüklerini belirtmek gerekir. Okur­yazar olan ve eğitim görmüş Türk kadınlarının oranı Avrupalı eğitimli ...
Yeni Keynesgil Mönü Maliyetleri Modeli ve Eksik İstihdam Dengesi (New Keynesian Menu Cost Models and Keynesian Unemployment Equilibrium)
‘70’li yıllardaki stagflasyon ortamında Keynesgil Sistem akademik çevrelerde gözden düşmüş, Monetarizm ve özellikle Yeni Klasik Okul yaygınlaşmıştı. ‘80’li yıllarda uygulama ...
Tarım Sektörünün Yeniden Yapılanması ve Teşviklerin Yeniden Düzenlenmesi Gereği (The Need for Re-Planning of the Agricultural Sector and Re-Organization of Agricultural Incentives)
Ekonomik kriz nedeniyle IMF ile yapılan anlaşma gere­ğince bütçe ve ödemeler bilan­çosu açıklarını kapatmak üze­re 2000 yılından itibaren uygulanmasına başlanılan tedbirler ...
A Short-Run Macroeconomic Model for Less Developed and Newly Industrializing Countries based on the Keynesian Aggregate Demand Function
Discussions on macroeconomic systems, their relevance and validity mainly focused on Developed Countries. Survey of development literature, on the other hand, shows there was scanty direct effort to discuss which macroeconomic ...
Adaptive Expectations and Phillips Curve: A Comparison of Them with other Macroeconomic Schools and Their Relevance for DCs, LDCs and NICs
The focus of this article is the "adaptive expectations hypothesis" of Milton Friedman and his analysis of short-run and long-run Phillips Curve. In order to analyze these contributions of M. Friedman more clearly, discussions ...
Tarım Sektörü Uzun Yıllar İhmal Edilmiştir (The Agricultural Sector has been neglected for years)
Son ekonomik krize karşıalınan tedbirler tarıma büsbütün ağırlık bindirmiştir.Fa­kat bu IMF reçetelerinin yanlış bir uygulaması sonucudur; Avrupa Birliği'ne uyum gereği değildir.
The Effects of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkey’s Economy and the Recent Tilt in Her International Relations
Turkey was one of the worst hit countries from the global crisis that started in September 2008. She had relied heavily on external financing by charging a high interest take. Her external debt and current account deficit ...
Globalization in Historical Perspective
After World War 2 (WW2) and till mid „70s most less developed countries (LDCs) and newly industrializing countries (NICs) implemented a closed economy, import-substitute industrialization model with excessive interventionism ...