Browsing Makale by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 2276
A New Marker For Endothelial Function in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: Apelin
(2013)Aim: The most important cause of death in end-stage renal disease is cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Endothelial dysfunction (ED) is one of the most important steps in the pathogenesis of CVD. Apelin is a peptide recently ... -
A rare case of peritonitis: Streptococcus salivarius
(2015)Streptococcus salivarius is a Gram-positive bacteria that may cause infections like endocarditis and meningitis. However, it has not been reported as a causative agent of peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients. In ... -
A rare urea cycle disorder in a neonate: N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency
(2020)Urea cycle disorders (UCD), are genetically inherited diseases that may have a poor outcome due to to profound hyperammonemia. We report the case of a baby girl diagnosed as N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) deficiency. ... -
A Research on the Guardian's Image in the Legend of Kristaps, Founder of Riga, Latvia
The purpose of this research is to clarify the implications of Legend of Kristaps, Latvian tale, which has not been dealt with in Korea yet. Kristaps is the hero who founded Riga, the capital of Latvia, and his story of ... -
A Research on the Introductory Function of "Blind, Deaf, and Cripple" Korean Folklore
In this paper, I attempted to shed light on the meaning of "Blind, Deaf, and Cripple," which was not considered as an important aspect in Korean folklore research, compared to the Turkish "Blind, Deaf, and Naked." Korean ... -
A Research on the Problem of Shadow Projection in “Nambaegwol-iseong,” a Script of Samgugyusa
The goal of this paper is to clarify the meaning of the narrative “Nambaegwol-iseong,” a Script of Samgugyusa, in a psychological context. The script is a story about two saints, Nohilbudeuk and Daldalbakbak, enlightened ... -
A short Glance at The Attitude of Some Sunni Muslim Traditionists/Muhaddithun towards Philosophy and the Philosophical Sciences
(2007)In this article, I examine the attitudes and opinions of some sunnī traditionists, like Ibn al-Salāh (d. 643/1245), al-Dhahabī (d. 748/1347) and al-Suyūtī (d. 911/1505), and the way in which they attacked ancient philosophy, ... -
A Short-Run Macroeconomic Model for Less Developed and Newly Industrializing Countries based on the Keynesian Aggregate Demand Function
Discussions on macroeconomic systems, their relevance and validity mainly focused on Developed Countries. Survey of development literature, on the other hand, shows there was scanty direct effort to discuss which macroeconomic ... -
A Study of the Archetype of Conflict between Brothers Projected in "the Legend of Wisteria"
Studies on <the Legend of Wisteria> have not been active. It is thought to be because the small number of volumes that were studied, the short length of the narration, which were hard to attract attention from ... -
A Study on "igongbonpuli" as a Narrative to Overcome Complex
This study was to explain that on the assumption of the originality of this myth, the rough behavior of Hallakgungi shown in <igongbonpuli> was related to the universal human psychological problem, complex. On that ... -
A Study on Educational Methods for Korean Classical Literature through a Case of TR Istanbul University
The status of Korean literature is not high in the realistic situations of educational institutions abroad. Mostly, it is located in the surrounding position as a part of Korean language education, and even the classical ... -
A Study on Learners' Acquisition of Korean One-to-Many Sentence Patterns of Turkish ‘Abil’
In order to examine one aspect of Korean language education in Turkey, learners' acquisition patterns of Korean one-to-many correspondence sentence patterns corresponding to'-abil', which shows the broadest meaning category ... -
A Study on the Application of Myth Structures for Structural Storytelling
The purpose of this study is to suggest a storytelling structure applicable to storytelling education and actual planning and creation as a researcher of oral literature in this age of story industry. What needs to be ... -
A Study on the Image of Koreans as the Weak in the Oral Life Narratives of Turkish Korean War Veterans
(2020)This study aims to reveal the reality of the Image of the Koreans located inside the Turkish veterans By analyzing the materials which collected through "The Field Research on Oral Life Narratives of Turkish Korean War ... -
A Study on the Time Perception System of Korean Myths Viewed through Shamanic Epics
The objective of this study was to present the world view of Korean myths through explaining the archetypal time perception system of Korean myths. For this purpose, this study examined the perception of time in the beginning ... -
A Study on the Way to overcome the Epic of Division through North Korean Folklore "A Masip Tunnel"
Since 90’s, north Korean folkore has been studied actively in south Korea, and achieved the desired results. Those established researches have a tendency to focus on a political difference between south Korean and north ... -
A Study on ‘Time’ Appearing in the Epic Story of "Woncheongan Bonpuri (Shaman Song)"
With <Woncheongang Bonpuri> arranged by Park Bong-choon, which is one of the Jeju Island's special shaman songs, this thesis is intended to clarify the narrative context how the main character, ‘Oneuri’, became the ... -
A Study on “Jusaengjeon” seen through Perspective of the Dreamlike-story : Jusaeng's Desire being reflected in Image of Baedo and Sunhwa
"Jusaengjeon" is a romance that represents historical changes in literature of the late Joseon Dynasty and has been discussed by many researchers. However, in each study, different opinions have been drawn over all areas ... -
A whole genome screen for linkage in Turkish multiple sclerosis
(2003)A whole genome screen for linkage in Turkish multiple sclerosisM. Eraksoya,*,1, M. Kurtuncua,b,1, G. Akman-Demira, M. Kılıncc, M. Gedizlioglud, M. Mirzae,O¨. Anlarf, C. Kutlug, M. Demirkıranh, H.A. I˙drisoglua, A. Compstonb, ... -
AB'ye Uyum Sürecinde Tarım Sektörünün Küçülmesinin Türk Kadın Çiftçilere Etkisi (The Shrinking Agricultural Sector as the Process of Adaptation to the EU and their Effects on Turkish Women Farmers)
(2005)Türkiye, 1999’da Avrupa Birliği’ne(AB) aday üye olmasını izleyerek 17.Aralik.2004’de, 3.Ekim.2005 için üyelik müzakeresi tarihi almış, 3.Ekim’de Türkiye ile AB ...