Now showing items 31-40 of 102
고전문학을 바라보는 북한의 시각 - 고전시가
This study was conducted on "Gongmudohaga" which is Korea’s representative classical poetry to confirm its value as a material by comparing and analyzing the materials of North Korea and South Korea.
A Study on the Image of Koreans as the Weak in the Oral Life Narratives of Turkish Korean War Veterans
This study aims to reveal the reality of the Image of the Koreans located inside the Turkish veterans By analyzing the materials which collected through "The Field Research on Oral Life Narratives of Turkish Korean War ...
Meymûne Banu Hikâyesi
Cumhuriyet'in ilan edilmesinin ardından Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, başta
edebiyat, dil, tarih ve sanat olmak üzere Türk kültürü ve medeniyetinin her
kolunda araştırmalar yapmak, yapılan çalışmaları düzenli olarak yayımlamak,
yurt ...
A Study on Educational Methods for Korean Classical Literature through a Case of TR Istanbul University
The status of Korean literature is not high in the realistic situations of educational institutions abroad. Mostly, it is located in the surrounding position as a part of Korean language education, and even the classical ...
Göstergelerarası Çeviri Örneği Olarak Yaban Romanının Filme Uyarlanması
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Rus dilbilimci Jakobson’un Göstergelerarası çeviri yaklaşımı çerçevesinde
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu’nun Yaban (1932) adlı romanının 1996’da TRT1’de aynı adla filme
uyarlanmış hâlinin incelenmesidir. ...
A Study of the Archetype of Conflict between Brothers Projected in "the Legend of Wisteria"
Studies on <the Legend of Wisteria> have not been active. It is thought to be because the small number of volumes that were studied, the short length of the narration, which were hard to attract attention from ...