Now showing items 291-293 of 293
Yaltkaya’nın “Bâtınîlik Tarihi” Makalesi (Tahlil, Değerlendirme Ve Neşir)
son döneminde yetişen ve Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında önemli vazifelerde bulunan
Mehmet Şerefettin Yaltkaya, hem Darulfünun İlahiyat Fakültesinde hocalık yapmış
hem de Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı görevini ifa ...
The Issue of ‘Relationship-Building’ Seen through the Narration of the Tale, "Goorungdungdungshinsunbee"
This study aimed to reveal the significance of a tale about the principle of two-layered relationship-building in the narration of the tale, <Goorungdungdungshinsunbee>. The two-layered relationship-building here ...
A Research on the Problem of Shadow Projection in “Nambaegwol-iseong,” a Script of Samgugyusa
The goal of this paper is to clarify the meaning of the narrative “Nambaegwol-iseong,” a Script of Samgugyusa, in a psychological context. The script is a story about two saints, Nohilbudeuk and Daldalbakbak, enlightened ...