Now showing items 21-30 of 102
Eski Uygur Türkçesi Dönemine Ait İki Mektup Örneği
Bu makalede Eski Uygur Türkçesi Dönemi’ne ait olan iki mektup örneği yapı bilgisi ve anlambilimi açısından incelenerek, Türklerde mektup yazma geleneğinin teşekkülü tartışılacaktır. İncelenen her iki mektup örneği de Paul ...
A Study on the Time Perception System of Korean Myths Viewed through Shamanic Epics
The objective of this study was to present the world view of Korean myths through explaining the archetypal time perception system of Korean myths. For this purpose, this study examined the perception of time in the beginning ...
“Seggi So Bal” ve “Keloğlan ile Prenses” adlı Kore ve Türk Masallarındaki Saflık Kavramı Üzerine bir Araştırma
Keloğlan Masalları” arasından “Keloğlan ile Prenses” kategorisinde yer alan veriler baz alınmış, anlatılardaki saflık kavramından yola çıkarak insan yaşamının sorunları ve anlamının araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Aynı zamanda ...
A Study on the Application of Myth Structures for Structural Storytelling
The purpose of this study is to suggest a storytelling structure applicable to storytelling education and actual planning and creation as a researcher of oral literature in this age of story industry. What needs to be ...
From Indian Convoy
From Indian Convoy (Introducing Ashub Mazandarani and his Divan)Mohammad-Taqi JahaniAli GuzelyuzNihat DegirmenciThe widespread immigration of Iranian poets to India in the Safavid era took placefor a variety of reasons, ...
자기 발견과 극복의 신화 구조를 활용한 구술 생애담 서사 분석 시론
Deciding on whether one’s life has been successful or not is grounded in one’s inner truth, that is, the self-awareness of a judging agent of “I". Such self-awareness is noticeably revealed in both the superficial and deep ...
The Study on Korean Shamanic Myths seen from the Viewpoint of Healing Complex
Nowadays, Korean society is often referred to as ‘society of complex’. It means that the members of our society are experiencing more and more mental discomfort as well as pain because of their complex. Based on the ...
신 로맨스의 탄생
The characters in the classic novels have parts that give us a glimpse of our lives today.Among them,in "Jusaengjeon", we can see the relation of love and rational choice in the relationship between Jusaeng and Baedo. ...