Now showing items 1-10 of 51
A Summary of the Developments Regarding The Economic Regime Implemented in the Developed and Developing Countries
Since the developments regarding the economic regime in developed countries follow a different path as opposed to those in developing countries, in this article, these two groups of countries will be examined separately. ...
New Keynesian Efficiency Wage Models
During the stagflation of ‘70s, theKeynesian System fell from favor in the academic circles while Monetarism and, in particular, New Classical Economics became widely spread. The years ‘80s witnessed implementation of ...
New Keynesian Menu Cost Models
During the stagflation of ‘70s, the Keynesian System fell from favor in the academic circles while Monetarism and, in particular, New Classical Economics became widely spread. The years ‘80s witnessed implementation of ...
Keynesgil Sistem’in Gelişmesi ve Günümüz için Geçerliliği: Keynes’in Gözünden Günümüzün Bir Değerlendirmesi
Bu makalemizin konusu ve amacı Keynes’in Sistemini ve gelişmesini tarihçi bir yaklaşımdan çok analitik olarak gözden geçirmektir. Geleneksel Klasik Sistem’in konjonktür dalgalanmalarını açıklamak ve işsizliği önlemek ...
Türk Tarım Sektöründe Verimliliğin Arttırılmasında Kadın Çiftçilerin Eğitim Açığının Giderilmesinin Önemi
Hızla küreselleşen dünya ekonomisinin beraberinde getirdiği faydalar ülkeler arasında eşit olarak dağılmayıp daha derin ekonomik farklılıklara yol açarken, aynı zamanda yoksulluğun daha çok kadınlar aleyhine yaygınlaşmasına ...
The Present Global Crisis and Its Effect on the Turkish Economy
The global economic crisis first started in the USA in September 2008 as a widespread insolvency problem caused by mortgage debts of households that had become unpayable. The financial crisis, in turn, caused a serious ...
Globalization and its Effects on Turkey, Bric, Balkan, East European Countries and the Different Strategies Pursued by the Emerging Markets
This article intends to study globalization particularly from the perspective of less developed countries (LDCs) and newly industrializing countries (NICs).After World War 2 (WW2), LDCs and NICs implemented a closed economy ...
Anti-Keynesian Views: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Guidelines
In this article, we will cover the main anti-Keynesian views and macroeconomic systems that arose in the post Keynes period as well as their fiscal and monetary policy guidelines. As is known, the early Classical economists ...
Türk Tarımında Kadının Yeri (The Role of Women in Turkish Agricultural Sector)
Öncelikle Türkiye'de genel olarak kadınların erkeklerden daha az eğitim gördüklerini belirtmek gerekir. Okur­yazar olan ve eğitim görmüş Türk kadınlarının oranı Avrupalı eğitimli ...