Now showing items 1-5 of 5
İcrai veya İhmali Olarak Somut Olayda Davranışın Gerçekleştiriliş Biçiminin Tespiti Meselesi
İcrai davranışla meydana getirilebilecek netice, “garantörlük” olarak kavramsallaştırılan belirli statülere sahip kimseler tarafından ihmali davranışla da meydana getirilebilir. Kişinin, garantör olduğu kimsenin yaşam veya ...
Die ärztliche Schweigepflicht und die Anzeigepflicht von Straftaten im türkischen Recht
Medical practitioners such as physicians, clinicians, midwives and nurses are obliged to immediately inform the authorities, when they, during performing medical practices, come across some sort of clues showing that a ...
Cross-Border Surrogate Motherhood from a Criminal Law Perspective
The role of state in an economic model and its consequence in genealogy fuse with the sovereignty of the state, coined as bio-politics and bio-power by Michel Foucault, as a power over life and death. To illustrate, punishing ...
Organized Crime-Related Legislation in the Turkish Criminal Law
The issue of organized crime has different dimensions in criminal law because of the dangers it presents to society, the commitment of those involved to engage in criminal conduct, and the complexity and transnational ...
Mağdur Katılımlı Bir Ceza Muhakemesi Anlayışına Doğru: ABD Hukukunda Mağdur Haklarının Gelişimi Üzerine Bir İnceleme
The participation of victims in criminal proceedings is acontroversial issue which lies at the core of the understanding ofcriminal procedure law. According to the criminal procedureapproach of the United States of America ...