Browsing Avesis by Subject "Yaşam Bilimleri (LIFE)"
Now showing items 1-20 of 169
A case report of a rare nonsense ZP1 variant in a patient with oocyte maturation defect
Introduction: Oocyte maturation defect (OOMD) is a rare condition causing female infertility that can be diagnosed during assisted reproduction techniques (ART). OOMD related genes are ZP1, ZP2, ZP3, PANX1, PATL2, TUBB8, ... -
A comparison of market landings during fish spawning seasons to better understand the effectiveness of the temporal fishery closure in Turkey
(2020)Seasonal fishery closures are an input control measure to reduce fishing pressure on spawning stocks in fisheries management. Despite the huge foregone economic losses from such closures, the efficacy of them has yet ... -
A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data
This study presents a new method (LBB) for the analysis of length frequency data from commercial catches. LBB works for species that grow throughout their lives, such as most commercially-important fish and invertebrates, ... -
Alport sendromlu 15 olgunun klinik ve moleküler bulguları
Amaç: Alport Sendromu (AS) hematüri, proteinüri, sensörinöral işitme kaybı, göz anomalileri ve ileri yaşta böbrek yetersizliği ilekarakterize ilerleyici böbrek hastalığıdır. Otozomal resesif ve dominant formları COL4A3/COL4A4, ... -
Alterations in Promoter Methylation Status of Tumor Suppressor HIC1, SFRP2, and DAPK1 Genes in Prostate Carcinomas
Hypermethylated genomic DNA is a common feature in tumoral tissues, although the prevalence of this modification remains poorly understood. We aimed to determine the frequency of five tumor suppressor (TS) genes in prostate ... -
Artificial food sweetener aspartame induces stress response in model organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Aspartame (APM) is a non-nutritive artificial sweetener that has been widely used in manyproducts since 1981. Molecular studies have found that it alters the expression of tumoursuppressor genes and oncogenes, forms DNA-DNA ...