On The Sources Of Sebâtü'l âcizîn by Sûfî Allahyâr
Sûfî Allahyâr is one of the important poets of Chagatai literature lived in the 17th century and his work Sebâtü’l-Âcizîn which is written in Turkish the precious and widely read book. This book is very appreciated in Uzbeks, Turkmens and another Turkic groups live in the Middle Asia, besides has been used as a course book at primary schools. Sebâtü’l-âcizîn can be considered as an example of Nasihatname genre (a piece of writing giving advices on religious issues), which comprises subjects on religion and sufism. Classical Turkish Literature generally based on religious information for instance, Qur’ân al-kerîm, Hadîth-i Sharîfs,
creed and fiqh books and mystic (tasavvufî) sources. Turkish poets, appropriate with Classical Islamic Literature, especially at the beginning, generally affected by the Persian poets who were experienced in this
genre and took them as reference for themselves. With impact of this tradition, we can find a lot of traces in Sebâtü’l-âcizîn comes from Persian Classical Literature poets. Also the verbal and nonverbal materials come from folk culture are nourishing Turkish poets and give them the national appearance. When we consider that sources, we can easily say Sebâtü’l- âcizîn has got very precious cultural background. In this article, the cultural background is examined, the information about the persons who nourished Sebâtü’l-âcizîn, the work and the other sources were given and comparative examples were also given.
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