Concept knowledge of "natural, processed, and artificial consumption substances" subject in 4th grade science and technology course books and course book analysis in terms of exemplification
In this research it is aimed to study "Natural, Processed and Artificial Consumption Substances" subject and concepts in the 4th grade Science and Technology course books of 2010-2011 academic year in terms of context and given examples. Whether there is an effect of course books in misconceptions, which are possible results of misunderstood Chemistry concepts, is also included as an aim of the study. It is known that accurate teaching of concepts is very necessary to prevent incorrect comprehension and concept errors during education. In this context the importance of the course books are very obvious. In this research several concept errors, contradictions between concepts and improper choice of examples have been detected. (C) published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Prof. Huseyin Uzunboylu.
- Bildiri [64839]